Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy 4th!

July, 4 2010

We made it to Bamako and quickly found out I have been pronouncing it wrong for the past month. Our flight was delayed a few hours but as a volunteer told me today the President arrived in the airport right before our flight so the speculation is that this is why we were delayed in Paris, I have been delayed for far less interesting reasons so, not so bad.

We got back to the training center in Tubainso, about a 45 minute drive from the airport and sits about ten miles outside Bamako. In the van we had a current PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) to answer all our questions. She very kindly gave us our "presents" Mosquito Repellent- which I must say is the best present I have every received!!! We also passed over the Niger river, which was beautiful. Upon arrival we got our latrine orientation, which was interesting to say the least. After this very important lesson the staff had a snack waiting for us- our first taste of Malian food was not bad at all!

We are staying in one room huts with three bed. Our roommates were assigned based on our "sectors," our work assignments. I am staying with one WatSan (Water Sanitation- the same sector that I am) and a Heath Education girl. It appears that these two sectors will be working closely with each other throughout training. It is nice to have roommates that are going through the same realities that you are. We braved the latrine and all came out unscathed, tucked in our mosquito nets and woke up and crack of done all with each other, which has made it all manageable. None of us have braved the whole showering thing yet, but I am sure it is just a matter of time.

As today was the fourth of July we had to opportunity to go to the American Embassy and meet the Ambassador as well as other Peace Corps Volunteers, Military and other ex-pats. There, we had the chance to play Frisbee, swim in the pool and had a tug-of-war tournament- Peace Corps vs. US Military, I am happy to say the Peace Corps killed! While all this went on we listened to familiar tunes of Jimmy Buffet and Bruce Springsteen-- a pretty American first day I must say.

We did however, have our share of reality checks that we are in fact in Mali. We were issued our Malaria pills and had a long discussion about how we can prevent the many diseases that are common in Mali. Tomorrow is a full day of training starting at 7am with a language test (YIKES!), cultural orientation, and the first round of vaccinations.

Happy 4th to you all!!

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