Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back In Sinsina

July 25, 2010

Sinsina group cooking
I am back in Sinsina (our homestay village) for the longest stay during PST (Pre-Service Training). It was quite a challange returning here after a few days in Tubaniso. There we ate cheesburgers, pizza and french fries and now upon our return to homestay we are back to rice and fish sause! The eight of us here in Sinsina have been making the best of things. We had a movie night were we watch avatar. We all huddled around Lindsey's mac-book trying to listen to the small bit of sound that came from the computer. This was a great night and if ever you are going to watch Avatar not in 3-D you should do it outside in Africa, the natural sounds alone make it a rare experiance! We enjoyed movie night so much we are thinking about making it a weekly event, or an event until our computers run out of battery.

Graham and his chicken
In language class we have been working on bargining which I belive is going to be the end of me, but thats besides the point. In order to practice our LCFs (teachers- it seems everything in the PC has an acccronym) sent us out to buy food and cooking needs and we all made dinner together. We had plantains - which LIndsey and I made, garlic mashed potaots, scrabbled eggs and hybiscus tea. Although this sounds like a odd assortment of food it was a much welcomed changed from what we eat with our host families!

We are preparing another meal for monday night- where we are going to buy chicken- live chicken that is and Kyle is going to kill them. I declined this opportunity when it was offered to me but Kyle is very excited, like a kid in a candy shop. Ill let you know how it goes. In addition to the chicken we are buying pinapple, garlic, onion, pepper and some other things and we are going to make kabbos! This should be the best meal yet!

Cooking here is an experiacne in itself. I find cooking back in the states to be difficult but here, when you take away everything that makes cooking easy away well, lets just say, I am lost. We cooked over an open fire which was quite awesome but took forever-- but I guess all I have here in Africa is time, so spending fourty-five minutes watching water boil really isn't something to complain about. Aminata, one of our teachers has been patient in showing us the ends and outs of the process which has been a blessing. Well I have big plans today to sweep out my hut and maybe go for a bikeride-- don't want to keep my busy day waiting.
Kyle and his chicken

Dinner or soon to be

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